With over 700 Penn and Wharton alumni residing in Ontario, our Club is committed to providing this elite community with numerous opportunities to interact and grow professionally and personally, through:
- networking with industry leaders
- hearing engaging speakers from our outstanding base of alumni and professors
- participating in specialized or wide-interest round-table discussions and forums, like our lunchtime speaker series
- attending social events like happy hours, wine tastings, film screenings and welcome events for newly admitted students
- making new friends among a diverse community that shares your interests and values
- interacting with other Ivy and top business school alumni clubs in Canada
- giving a sense of Penn and Wharton to interested applicants
- maintaining contact with Canadian clubs at Penn
- helping recent graduates start off in Canada
The Penn-Wharton Club of Toronto welcomes all Penn and Wharton alumni, professors and staff affiliated with the University of Pennsylvania, as well as non-affiliated individuals that show interest in our community. Spouses and friends are welcome to attend most of the Club's events.
We appreciate hearing your suggestions for future activities that the Club could pursue to the benefit of its alumni members. For this, please contact our co-presidents:
Ambreen Hamza WG'10 & Daniel Yeh SEAS'99, GEN'03